Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tool Belt

I will begin by admitting that I have neglected my blog.  I can only write something when I feel inspired and this week I got slapped with some inspiration.  For Christmas this year my wonderful Dad gave me a new Bible with my name engraved on the front cover.  Inside he wrote, "When I became a parent I asked my father why he didn't give me the instruction manual?  I realize now that he did, I just didn't know it.  This Bible is the only instruction manual you will need. It is the best tool to have in your tool belt. You just need to use it. Love you, Dad"  Since I received this Bible on Christmas day I have been using it as my instruction manual.  My Dad always tells me that everything that I do, lesson I learn, certification I get, or degree, is just another tool in my tool belt.  I have told him on several occasions that I have so many tools in my belt that its pulling my pants down.  What is great about the instruction manual that he gave me is that I am learning and growing more than I ever thought I would.  I already had a Bible, in fact I have several, but because this one was given to me by my Dad I am using it more than I ever have.  I find comfort in just looking at it when I am stressed or sad.  And one day I will give one to my son and write the very same inscription in his Bible.  

At my church today our pastor quoted Romans 8:28 and it has stuck in my mind all day.  So this evening I pulled out my instruction manual and read it again.  Only I read a little further and it says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified, those he justified, he also glorified." (Romans 8:28-30)  This scripture tells me that even in the hard times and through our suffering God has a plan for us.  We just have to trust in him and work hard to be like his son.

I am always wondering why do bad and sad situations happen?  Why doesn't God just make everything we go through easy?  Why does he take good people who we love away from us unexpectedly, or allow us to watch them suffer and them take them?  These are the questions I struggle with the most.  Reading this scripture helped me to understand that not everything that happens to us or to the ones we love is going to be good.  God has a purpose for us and unfortunately we have to go through hard times and suffering on our journey to him. About 6 years ago I was suffering and I didn't understand.  "I am a good person! Why are you making me suffer?", I would yell out while crying on the floor.  I didn't get it. I didn't understand and I truly believed I was being punished for the things I had done.  I now realize that I was not being punished and my relationship with God has grown and it was him who pulled me out of that darkness. 

I still have bad days and hard situations I have to deal with, but I am able to handle them better now.  I am surrounded by blessing and even the smallest thing is a blessing from God.  When I think about the dark times in my life and small blessings I see the big picture.  God has given me strength to make it out of the darkness and I thank him everyday for that.  Mother Teresa said, "Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."  God is there always waiting for you to ask for his help.  He will always give it to you....all you have to do is ask for help and accept it.  So my lesson learned is "God works for the good for those who love him...".



1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lindz. God gave you those words just for me. I love you more than you'll ever know...and I'm so proud of who you are.
